The idea of this project was probably born between two lessons - as most ideas of students. We were sitting there and trying to think of anything but the lessons and so we thought of wonderful and adventurous journeys to all possible parts of the world.
But, (maybe because we all passed 13 years on a Waldorfschool in Munich, where independancy and self-confidence and that sort of things are valued) we decided to travel through a part of the world that is less popular and less touristically known. What a luck that this part of Europe is just around the corner!
We are friends for quite a long time, meanwhile we changed in very different directions.
Here we are:

Jakob is our walking encyclopedia. Despite his incredibe general knowledge, he loves trees - or should I say chopped down trees and chain saws. At our project, he is responsable for everything handy and for the buses.
One day, when he's grown up, he wants to work in the agriculture.

Joshua is deescalating. But in fact, he loves it to hear an engine roaring and making noise. His toys are his camera, 3D-Printer, knifes and screwdrivers. Consequently, he is our mecanic an "movie chief technician".
He's gonna be pilot ;)

Marie is the moral compass of the troupe. As expected from a true pacifist, she deals with things like dying, mediadesign, sewing, agriculture and circus arts. At our project she ensures that our idealism doesn't get lost on the way and that we are present in the digital world...
After this journey, she wants to deploy her forces for the environment.

Samuel would call himself moderate liberal. But his reality is characterized of many Rundumschläge against any kind of gutmenschliches Geistesgut.
He is our radical writer, who never rejects against blind actionism if it could serve the purpose.
Though his future committment will be dedicated to the peaceful diplomacy to save the great western civilisation.